Friday, March 17, 2017

Jesus of Malibu Film

Artwork by Evan Wondolowski

By Marisabel Lavastida
When we are born we have no alliances. We are born valuing love, curiosity, and beauty. Because of that we seek comfort in our caregivers, we experience the world in constant awe and are mesmerized by the interests that inspire us to dream without limits. We currently live in a culture where “growth” and “adulthood” compromise these innate human qualities. Liberation is needed. We face enslavement so gruesome it falls short of shackles and cages. Its subtle nature makes it hard to see truth and change accordingly. The liberation of the mind needs to happen now. We have the capacity to change the world and end unnecessary suffering but we chose not to. Why? This is because we are held captive to ideologies, distractions, idols, fear and misinformation. As a human community we need to fight the things that imprison us so that freedom of thought and reason can prevail against a culture that is spreading globally. 
To read complete article click HERE

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